human trafficking happens when someone is tricked or lured and forced to do a job, with low payment or none at all. human trafficking include prostitution and forced labor. human trafficking is one of the fastest-growing criminals industry in the's not just drug abuse.
victims of human traffickers are usually abuse, is not permitted to leave, and is required to work or provide services of some kind. victims are tricked by false promises. they may manipulate you and uses deception or even feigned love. some are kidnapped by force. thus, women and children please be aware. it doesnt matter how old you are..
the movie i watched yesterday is entitled 'human trafficking'. it is a great movie and harsh showing what happens to a women ( who got tricked by love), a 16 year old girl ( who was trick to be a model) and a young child (who was kidnapped). they are forced to work in prostitution centers.
Hundreds of thousands of young women have vanished from their everyday lives-forced by violence into a hellish existence of brutality and prostitution. They're a profitable commodity in the multi-billion-dollar industry of modern slavery.
quote for the day : You are a human being. You have rights inherent in that reality. You have dignity and worth that exists prior to law. ~Lyn Beth Neylon
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