Saturday, December 5, 2009

Beauty from within

this morning, i was awoken by the vibrations of my phone... it was Ilmin, we greeted each other and we started chatting through text messages, after a quick wash up..i turned on the computer and went online, of course the early bird, kent was practically the only one there...><...

we were chatting on normal things, when ilmin started texting me about what do i actually think about muscular guys...the first thought i had was "man boobs" *inside joke*...of course that wasnt my reply to him, i told him that he looks fine etc..since willie showed me his body and all... soo i told kent about it..this is what my real thought is...

ever wonder, i wish i could look better..or i wish i was more muscular...i wish i had a pretty face.. we teens has this's practically what we do..we question ourselves, let's just say i do the same thing.. we are all very self-concious, trying to achive perfection is like a star in heaven..even i do that and im not afraid to admit but its like an addiction.. i can never stop...

maybe its just a lack of self-esteem but perfection, tempting isnt it .... let's think it through now...hmm... do you think the outside says it all??... do you think if you achive perfection on looks people will like you?? do you think outside is all that matters?? think about it, these questions sieze my attention for today...what i think i dont think the "outside" says it all and no i think perfection on looks is not everything and the "outside" isnt the only thing that matters..

what i want to achive is to find my "inner-self", i want to understand me; sounds a bit whacky i know, i want to find other people's true-self, the real you.. you are always taught not to ever ever judge a book by its cover.. its a phrase that says it all. teen looking for looks and perfection, neglect their true-self.. personality, being honest with yourself would be the best way instead of a false mask...

in my mind beauty that comes from within is the AWESOMEST, BESTEST, GREATEST, etc beauty in this whole world..everyone is Beautiful in their own way and their own way is special, unique, outstanding , magnificent etc and ONE OF A KIND... when looking for someone do you pick looks over personality?? or do you like personality over looks??..

no matter how you think of yourself, there's always a missing edge, let say me..hmm i wan smaller hips.. a prettier curve..who doesnt wan that..yet in other people's eyes i am pretty just the way i am.. but human always desire for more and the better. it is hard as none of us..NOONE is perfect... but having a great personality sometimes outshine your features..knowing yourself is important,try finding the real'll take a long long long time..

quote for the day :
Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else. ~Judy Garland

find your inner self, it might be as radiant as the sun .....

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