Sunday, December 6, 2009

Against Medical Advice

Here's a great book that I'd like to share

Title: Against Medical Advice (true story)
By : James Patterson and Hal Friedman
pages: 269
mph price:Rm34.90
#1 new york times bestseller.

I knew about this book in an old issue of galaxie magazine, i read the synopsis i thought it was a good book..and soo it turned out to be a great book.. even my dad says so lol

here is a rough synopsis on can see the book cover below...
by the way it says 269 pages..its not thick at all...

below is the book synopsis:
One morning in March of 1989, just before my fifth birthday, i woke up as a normal, healthy boy. By that afternoon, i had an irresistible urge to shake my head-continually-and the course of my life changed in ways few people had ever seen or could begin to understand......

here's something in the book i find really touching:
dear mom and dad,
i feel so bad for what happened last night, every time i think about it, my actions seem more and more ridiculous. i cant believe i curse at you both of you like that. i know it wasn't me, because i would never blow up on you when you were only trying to help.

mom, the fact that i made you cry makes me want to shoot myself. Out of all the things in life, seeing you cry absolutely kills me. i feel like a beast. it's like i took the most loving angel and broke its heart over nothing. mom, you are an angel to me . I'm the luckiest kid in this world to have you as my mom. i would take Tourette's one hundred times as bad and be condemned to a wheelchair for my whole life, unable to move my body, just so i could have you as my mother. i really mean it. i love you mom, and i'm sorry for hurting you.

dad, i always feel so terrible for raging at you. i know all you want to do is to help me and make me happy. and i love you more than you can imagine. and i know you dont deserve one bit of it. you're the best dad i could have ever asked for, and i'm incredibly lucky to have you as my dad.

even though i've got harder life than many other people, you guys totally turn the tables on what could have been a tough life and turned it into a blessed life, full of love, caring, and happiness. you're more than i could have ever asked for or imagined. i love you both so much and hope you'll accept my apologies. i love you, Mom and Dad.

and like i mention above the cover of the book:

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